When your dining room looks like this (one shelf hung, one not, and nothing else on the walls..and it has the potential to stay in this state for another week or so)

Then it is important to glance over at this....and have a happy design moment ( both shade and base previously owned, now partnered together to create an entirely new looking lamp, for FREE) Happy moment.

When your countertops look like this (and the edge is potentially dangerous, and could remain so, for um....ever)

Then it is a good idea to glance in your
WAY bigger closet and see your
new (
way cheap from a yard sale this morning shoe organizer) and have a thankful moment.
When the moldings in your home are a variety of woods and stains and random paint colors...

Then it is an excellent idea to glance over at the garden urn full of fresh apples (tiny and probably inedible, but
fresh) apples from your new awesome backyard and just smile.
And finally, when your kitchen walls look a little like this...(because you went on a rampage at 11:30 pm that quickly ended about 11:35 pm when you realized the wallpaper was pretty much drywalled to the wall)

Then it is crucial to have something like these fresh hydrangeas sitting in the middle of your kitchen table. You just can't help but exhale a deep sigh of thankfulness.