Saturday, April 17, 2010


When we walked into the house that would one day be ours, our then realtor saw a drab yellowing wallpaper covering the majority of the house and assured us we could remove it. But in that moment..I knew fate had brought this wallpaper and I together. I knew it could be given new life. It has been painted several times since (to get it "just right") but I do love the final product. It was hung in the 60's and I cant find one place where it is peeling or lifting at all. We are now moving and I have to say..I will miss you wallpaper.

Living room color
Dinging room and hallway

...and me trying to get another shot of it with my hallway mirror. Thats me in the mirror. Maybe I should try showering before posting a shot of me taking a picture of a mirror. (And in case you are wondering where I scored this mirror...garage sale $12).