Sunday, May 23, 2010

Interior Design Consultations

Do you have an empty wall you can not figure out what to do with? A living room full of furniture that you know could look great, but currently looks unfinished? A pile of frames and wall hangings that you are too intimidated to hang or place? This can be so frustrating!!!

I LOVE to help people create a space they LOVE to be in. I also LOVE using the things people already have to do this. Sometimes adding a few affordable new items can create an entirely new space. A great mirror, a new large clock, some fresh curtain panels...just small things that bring a lot of "bang for the buck."

Let me know if you would like me to help you "pull a room together." Right now I am charging $30.00 for a one hour consultation. In this hour, we might re-arrange furniture, we might hang your long-forgotten frames, or even draw up a plan for future renovations. Let me know if I can help....I would love to!


At May 24, 2010 at 11:10 AM , Blogger Mrs. McGowan said...

Amanda!!! I so wish you lived up here, I would hire you in a second!!

At June 21, 2010 at 4:46 AM , Blogger Katie said...

I'd like to think that my encouragement helped you write this post!! Ha ha!! You go girl! You're going to do great! I'll spread the word!


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